Tuesday, February 21

Today we had tree frogs in Room 5.
Here is some of the fantastic writing about the frogs.

Today Mrs H brought some tree frogs. They have sticky pad and they eat flies. They can jump high. They have a long tongue and they poke their tongue out to get their food.
Author  Aspen

The frogs live in the tank. Me went to look at the frogs and one frog is camouflaged on the log and Mrs H looked and looked but Mrs H could not find him but Mrs H found one in the grass.
Author  Kevin

Mrs H has some whistling tree frogs. They are as little as Mrs H's pinky. The whistling tree frogs eat fruit flies gross! The frogs have one branch and two big rocks and lots of small rocks and the tree frogs have a few pieces of grass. They have water in the tank.
Author  Charlotte O 


  1. Wow Room 5! What wonderful sentences to describe Mrs H's frogs! My daughters and I had trouble finding them due to their awesome camouflage too, Kevin. I like your simile about Mrs H's finger, Charlotte. I like how you describe how the frogs poke out their tongue to get their food, Aspen.

  2. Wow kiddies this is great I love how you described it so well.

  3. Those frogs must be so cute I like how Charlotte said that the frogs were as small as Miss.H pinky

  4. Wow cool frogs I like the look of the frogs.Kevin. I like your simile about Mrs H's finger


  5. Wow Charlotte

    good descriptive languagei like how you writ its smaller the mrs h's pinky very cool Room 5!

  6. Good girl Aspen really cool story.From your big sister Parris.

  7. Hi! very descriptive !I never know so much about them.

  8. WOW!! :D I love your post room 5 and Mrs H. Whistling tree frogs? Never heard of them. Were they hard to catch because of their camouflaging?

    P.S I love your blog background!!!:D

  9. Cool writing and I've seen a frog stick out its tongue to its food as well.

  10. I like how the kids thought of ideas.

  11. Annemarie Kupa-PeteraThursday, March 01, 2012

    Aspen what a cool story you have done. I real like like it. Love Mum

  12. Awesome writing children. Very discriptive
